• lifewithbugo - staying positive during an epidemic 4

    Staying Positive during a pandemic

    I thought to bring some cheer into your homes at these very trying times. My belief is usually to try to look for the silver lining in everything. You know, try to search for that one good thing in every situation. We are currently living through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.…

  • Blogging,  Musings

    1 Year a Blogger!

    (+ My First Giveaway….) Whew! Can you believe I have actually been blogging a WHOLE year? It seems like it was only yesterday that I was on my private Instagram account documenting my travels and lifestyle, and my friends were encouraging me to start a blog. I had always been…

  • Blogging Truths
    Blogging,  Musings

    15 Harsh Truths About Blogging

    15 Harsh truths about blogging? FIFTEEN?! wow I’m quite the drama queen with that title you know?! In a few days, it will be my one year blogging anniversary. How mad is that?! I have a post scheduled for the exact day (because, why not?) However, I had these musings…

  • Musings

    My 2019 in review: the year that was.

    What a bloody bizarre year. Sometimes I wonder how I’m still standing, smiling and taking all these fabulous pictures because honestly, 2019 has been the worst year of my entire existence. I am very aware that it must not have come across that way especially on the blog because quite…

  • Musings

    Christmas day checklist!

    The Christmas period is usually the most fun time in people’s calendars but it can actually be overwhelming. Every weekend, there is some sort of Christmas Market or ice skating rink to go to; weekdays, it is from one Christmas lunch to the other. Oh let’s not forget to squeeze…