Day trip to Mayfield Lavender Farm, Banstead
United Kingdom

Day trip to Mayfield Lavender Farm

Did you even have a summer without a trip to a Lavender farm? Or any farm at all? Yes. This was a trick question lol. The great thing about living in London is the endless day trips to different cities. When my friends suggested a day trip to Banstead’s Mayfield Lavender Farm, of course I jumped on it!

Mayfield Lavender Farm is a 25-acre farm located in Surrey. It is a very popular summer attraction probably due to its proximity to central London. It is open 7 days a week from 9am to 6pm; latest entry is 5.45pm. There is no need to book in advance, it is operated on a first come, first serve basis. As lavenders are seasonal, the farm is usually open from June to August when the lavenders are in bloom.

Day trip to Mayfield Lavender Farm - LifewithBugo
row of mayfield lavender field - lifewithbugo

Mayfield Lavender Farm is located at no 1 Carshalton road, Banstead SM7 3JA. You can get there by car or public transport. Entrance fee is £4 and parking is free for those visiting the farm after having paid their £4. However, parking is very limited so this is something to note. There is availability for disabled parking so yay to inclusivity!

From London, trains are available from London Victoria to West Croydon or Sutton or Purley or Cheam. Then get the bus 166 to the gate of the farm. Alternatively, get a taxi from the train station to the farm. I was having very lazy morning and decided to uber from my east London flat to the farm because YOLO. However, when I saw my bill after the trip, I was shooooook! (And not in a good way *cry with me in my waste of money*)

Taking Pictures at Mayfield Lavender Farm

I’ll be honest; Mayfield Lavender Farm (just like any other lavender farm) is mainly a photo op location. Of course there are other activities – Brunch, buying lavender products etc. However, the main reason at least 85% of people go to Lavender farms is for the stunning pictures. There is even a red British-style telephone box just in the middle of the farm! What else could it be for? If it was not placed there for photos?

It is important to note that drones are strictly prohibited. You can use whatever camera or phone for your pictures. However, if you are thinking of a professional photo shoot, it is recommended you ring them to ask for permission. I guess this refers to editorial campaigns, bridal photo shoots and such.

Sunny Day trip to Mayfield Lavender Farm - Lifewithbugo
in the farm at Mayfield Lavender
Loewe Bucket Bag - Lifewithbugo
Mayfield Lavender Farm: Expectations vs Reality

I had seen A LOT of pictures online and I knew what to expect tbh. One thing I would say is that what you see online is what you see in reality. I was worried that a lot of the photos on the website and Instagram may have been doctored to look vibrant. However, in all honesty, the lavenders were in full bloom. The purples were bright and very shiny.

On their website, you are advised to constantly check for updates on what the lavenders look like. I guess this it to avoid surprises, which is fantastic as it helped us plan when to go. My friends and I started checking from the end of June and I waited until the end of July to book my day trip. This was perfect as I would say that the last week in July and 1st 3 weeks in August are probably the best time to go.

Now, the one thing I was not ready for. The BEES! Duhhhhh I was going to a wild field so what exactly was I expecting? There were bees and wasps and I was so worried I would get stung. However, I was convinced after 2+ hours of walking in field without getting stung, that perhaps the bees are very well behaved lol. I could see them buzzing all around me but not once did they come near me or sting! There has to be a reason for this because that field was SWARMED with bees!

lavender in bloom - lifewithbugo

I know I have categorically said that a day trip to Mayfield Lavender Farm is mainly a photo op! However, there is an option to have some food! There is a brunch menu for mainly sandwiches, hot and cold drinks. A lot of the food and drinks are infused with lavender, which is really cool! Lavender punch, lavender ice cream, lavender iced tea, lavender cakes and lavender everyyything!

I had the Cream Tea, which was a scone, and I had the choice of tea or coffee or lavender lemonade. I went with the lavender lemonade because of course; we were in a lavender farm!

Picnics are not permitted but there is a sit down, al-fresco area for your drinks and snacks.

Brunch Menu, Mayfield Lavender Farm - Life with Bugo
scone and lemonade at mayfield lavender farm

A day trip to Mayfield Lavender Farm is not complete without a little souvenir.

There is a mini shop for everything lavender. There are plants for your garden, lavender treats and toiletries. Of course, you can purchase your own cute, luscious bunch of lavender to take home as a souvenir!

fresh lavenders at Mayfield Lavender Farm - lifewithbugo
Lavenders at the Lavender Shop - lifewithbugo
Biscuits in Mayfield Lavender Farm shop
Tractor Ride

There is a fun tractor ride around the farm for £2 per person. I suppose this is a fun activity for children especially. As stated previously, it is a 25-acre space so if you are planning to walk the length of the farm, the tractor might be your best bet!

Day Trip to Mayfield Lavender farm: Yay or Nay?

I say Yay. It’s a lovely half-day out especially for those who live in cities like London. Unless you have a beautiful garden, lavenders are not very common in London. So an opportunity to see rows and rows of beautiful lavender is definitely something to add to your summer calendar.

Therefore, if a Lavender farm is on your radar for this summer, I recommend Mayfield Lavender Farm. However, you have to hurry, as it is only open until August 31st! The best time to go is just when it opens or just before it closes so it’s not as busy. It is also advisable to go during the week because as you can imagine, it gets busier over the weekend.

Whenever you choose to go, have fun and get your money shots!

Bisous, Bugo x

White dress at Mayfield Lavender Farm
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Pinterest - Mayfield Lavender Farm - lifewithbugo


  • Dami

    OMG!! I was literally here last week Thursday. I must say that these pictures are absolutely gorgeous Bugo and you really done it justice with this post. So detailed!

    • Bugo

      Ah thank you Dami!
      I feel like everyone in the UK visited a Lavender field this summer lol. Since we are not going abroad, we are finding all these gems in our back yards. Thank you so much for reading x

    • Bugo

      thank you sweetie! Me too, I only went for pictures and a girlie day out tbh. It was your babe that took some of them x

    • Rumz

      Ahhh, this is not far from me & wondering why haven’t I been?

      The pictures are stunning, love everything lavender 💜💜💜 so dreamy

      • Bugo

        this is exactly what everyone who lives around surrey or croydon says LMAO
        You really should go, it’s open until 31st August x

  • Tiese

    These photos are gorgeous Bugo and lavender is one of my favorite plants. I just bought one for my room. Now googling lavender farms near me because reading this and looking at photos just made me happy! thanks for sharing.

    • Bugo

      Thank you so much babe! I never really cared fo lavenders, I’ll be honest. Until I went to the fields…it smelled SO lush!
      I hope you find one to go to! I’m looking for a sunflower farm near me to go to as they are my fave x

  • Muele Barisua Wilcox

    Thanks Bugo, this is such a detailed one and clearly you poured your heart out. Saved for sometime next year I hope.

    • Bugo

      You’re welcome Muele!
      Oh yes, I tend to write my experiences exactly as I feel them. I’m glad you were able to get that level of detail from my story x