dried sunflowers - appreciating the little things

Appreciating the little things

Sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we forget to actually enjoy living. Not to sound morbid but life is so fickle and fleeting that you do not want to spend all of it sweating the little (or even huge) stuff. At some point, you are going to look back and wonder why you were stressing so much. Like, why so serious?

One thing I have learnt to do is to appreciate the little things in life. Those tiny gestures don’t have to be ignored and those random glances don’t have to be overlooked.

I thought of a few ideas on the back of my own experiences and put them together.

dried sunflowers - appreciating the little things
Gratitude book

I started this 2 years ago. My 2017 started a bit off and I was so hopeful that some good had to come out of it so I started a ‘My Gratitude Book 2017’ on my phone. I would write down every single thing I was grateful for. From little things like an interview that went well to buying a new designer bag to getting my dream job, everything went in ‘My Gratitude Book’ and at the end of the year, I went through my notes and I had written 47 things to be grateful for through out the year. Not bad for a year that started quite shitty!! Safe to say that Gratitude books are now my thing and I advise you to try having one too.

Take pictures

My favourite thing is to capture every sweet moment I witness. I probably have a million pictures on my phone because I take pictures of everything. I use my pictures to remember what exactly was happening at that moment and Mr E and I always play a game where I show him a picture and he has to guess where we took it and what was happening. Try it, it’s fun! I will be the first to admit that I was not always this way. In fact, the entire period I lived in France in 2005 went mostly undocumented. I have only a handful of pictures from that beautiful time in my life, which I deeply regret, and I still cannot explain why. However, these days, I am camera ready. I will say that Instagram has played a big role in encouraging people to take pictures and I am not mad at that at all!

Smile at people

In appreciating all those little things, it is actually ok to smile when you meet someone’s eyes. Shocker! I know! This majorly contradicts living in England lol but I can assure you that it is a lovely gesture. It honestly takes nothing from you but that little gesture could make the other person’s morning. I find that when you smile at someone who is having a bad day, it prompts a smile from them and it just eases that awkward second. I try not to linger though so they don’t mistake your kindness for flirting. Just smile and look away and continue on your way. Well, unless you are actually trying to flirt?!

Celebrate Everything

I celebrate every little thing. From birthdays to relationship milestones with Mr E to work anniversaries. Everything! It helps that we had 3 weddings – Registry, Nigerian traditional and Catholic so that makes 3 anniversary dates to celebrate. We also acknowledge the official date we got together, first kiss etc. I just celebrated my 18 months anniversary at my current job; some might think it’s odd but who cares?? I mean, it does not mean I am buying gifts on every anniversary but just a reminder of how far I’ve come no matter how little. Find little achievements and memories in your life and celebrate them.

Have a ‘no complaint’ month

This can be super difficult especially as we are all relatively grown up and busy with work or school or kids who won’t go to bed on time or whatever it is that would warrant complaining about. However, the peace and happiness you derive at the end of the month is worth it. You could start by having a no complaint day and then graduate to week and then month. It helps if you avoid watching or reading about Brexit and Trump or Nigerian elections etc lol

Pay Compliments

If someone is wearing a dress you think is cute, tell them. You love their lipstick? let them know. Again, this takes nothing from you but makes that other person feel like their effort has been noticed. Stop appreciating things in silence. Obviously, you do not have to lie about anything. If you really don’t fancy something, you are not obliged to say you do. It would be unfair if someone was looking cray cray and you’re like ‘nice dress’ *awks*

Saying Thank you

Learn to say thank you. Make it a habit.

I mean this should already be habit. Say thank you when you go past the train conductor while getting off the train; to the taxi or bus driver who just dropped you off, the handyman who just fitted your new wardrobe. Also, the fact that you are in a higher position at work does not mean the word ‘thank you’ should disappear from your vocabulary. Once you get in the habit of saying thank you, your day-to-day life actually becomes much easier I’ve realised. It is sweet too!

Appreciating The Little Things. Sunflowers, Pretty City London - LifewithBugo

Most importantly, just breathe, pause and take things all in.

Do you have any other ideas? Share please….

Bisous, ‘Bugo


    • Bugo

      aww that’s such a lovely thing to do. I used to be very shy about complimenting women (especially here where everyone minds their business) but lately, I’ve been doing it and you’re right, their faces light up almost like they were never expecting it. It gives them so much confidence too 🙂 x

  • Nwady

    Real gist!

    So I was about to enter a building when a gentleman held the door for me. I walked past him and said “thank you”. Do you know he ran after me and said “Excuse me, God bless you; nobody really says thank you after you hold the door for them”. I felt really good that day. A little gesture that goes a long way. Probably made his day ; imagine if he was already having a bad day, a simple “thank you” probably just changed that.

    Thank you is one thing that’s very easy for me to say. Sadly I’m still learning to say “sorry” as easily as I say “Thank you”.

    The smiling one ehn… in this Lagos ehn…hmmm

    • Bugo

      oh wowww! that’s so lovely, bless him!! I’m sure he was having a bad day for him to have chased you down. This is so warm and beautiful tbh

      I totally understand. Saying thank you is so much easier than please or sorry. Sorry almost feels like you’re admitting defeat hahahaha and please feels like you’re begging ugh (well, you are kinda begging lol). But when you look at them as courtesy and just being polite to people, I think it changes everything. well, it did for me anyway.

      ok this smiling one seems to be a bit more difficult; maybe try no to frown instead?! lol that is deffo easier.

    • Metrogypsie

      So glad this is the first post I stumbled upon.
      Current mood now tbh! And yes to a million moments on my phone.
      I try to keep that below 2000 btw, (most times to no avail).

      • Bugo

        Yay, I’m happy you like it.

        Below 2000 though?! that’s sooo difficult lol
        Thank you so much babe for reading and leaving a comment 🙂 x

    • Melissa

      I love this!! It’s so important to appreciate all the little things – I’m so guilty of always concentrating on the negatives about myself or things I haven’t done or got etc. This year so far I feel I defo have been focusing more on the positives and appreciating everything I have. I really do believe it the more happy and positive you are and feel the more good things that happen in your life. Ive actually started writing notes down in my phone what I’m thankful for.
      I always smile at random people without realising it’s good to be friendly – just this week I smiled at someone and he asked if I knew him and from where ? Oops I said nope don’t know you just smiling lol
      I love this post it really reminds you to stop, think and just appreciate life.

      • Bugo

        hahahahahahaa he asked if you knew him?! LMAO omg that’s so funny awksssssssssssssss!!!!

        I can imagine, it’s so easy to dwell on the negative stuff because as humans we always tend to find fault in whatever we are doing. It’s so annoying that you could have 9 things going good for you but that 1 thing that that is rubbish will be what you tend to dwell on.

        It’s a conscious effort to definitely always look on the bright side but like you said, the more happy & positive you are, the more good things happen. I do strongly believe that!

        I’m glad you liked the post. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it 🙂