
Surviving winter months

If you live in the UK, you would have had pointless endless chit chats about the weather on the train, at work or just about anywhere because the lovely people of England love to discuss the weather. I feel like once you’ve lived in this country for 2 years at least, it becomes a part of your vocabulary. In my first year of living here, I used to wonder why people cared so much about the weather until I found myself using it as a conversation starter.

It does break the ice in gatherings *no pun intended* lol

It is so bizarre to me that we live in a country which is cold for about 9 out of 12 months but nobody ever seems prepared for the cold. Almost like we are always shocked that Mother Nature has decided to punish us with the cold; how dare she? What did we do to deserve this? I am very aware that the UK’s winter months are not as cold as Canada’s or Russia’s for example but cold is cold. The difference is that the Canadians and Russians always seem prepared for the cold but we wait until we are overwhelmed and start complaining.

I was having a chat with my Canadian colleague a few weeks ago about the weather (but of course, what else is there to talk about) and I was telling her about our 1 degree temperature which stops me from going out. She had a lengthy laugh and said she had just left Toronto’s -9 degrees and ‘babe, it wasn’t even that cold’ emmm ok polar bear, OK!

It does not help that a little rain or snow messes everything in London up from underground and over ground rail transportation to road traffic, everything becomes standstill. Again, you start to wonder why we are not prepared for the colder months when we know that they are always going to come around anyway.

I tend to get winter ready from mid-September. I refuse to be caught unawares unlike Mr E who waits until the bitterly cold months to dig out his thickest jackets. In his words ‘you have to wait it out for as long as you want. Fight the cold’ I don’t even understand why I am fighting something that could kill me so of course, I have my own formula for staying on top of the cold.


Look! Let’s not be ashy in winter please. This is 2019 and nobody likes an ashy person. Buy face and body moisturisers from your drug store, invest in lip balm and hand creams too. Yes, I am talking to guys as well. Moisturiser is not just for women. You cannot be chatting the person of your dreams up with crusty lips and ashy hands. No, thank you!

2. Warm jackets 

They may not always be the fanciest ones but cold cannot come and kill me please. This is a no-brainer if you are trying to stay alive and well. Thankfully, there is something for everyone in every possible price range. I have the faux fur ones for more casual afternoons and date nights, the thick parka with a faux fur hood for my commute on snowy/rainy days, the wool everyday jackets and even a bubble jacket which covers me from neck to ankle. See, I mean business. No cold is allowed to penetrate my body. I stay ready. I do love the teddy bear coats that have been making their rounds in the last few fashion seasons; they look so warm and cuddly that I’m thinking of buying one even though I know I don’t need any more coats but we’ll see.

3. Accessories

Gloves, Scarves, Socks, Tights, Earmuffs and Hats are all very essential in the winter months. I see people walking around in skirts and heels (no socks) and I feel cold on their behalf. I know we all have different thresholds for cold but I can’t help it, I almost want to give them a hug but since I don’t want to get slapped, I remember to stay in my lane. I personally hardly wear hats because my weave protects my head but if you are cold, invest in all these accessories. There are a variety of cute ones to choose from if looking cute is important to you (FYI, it should).

4. Shoes 

I typically wear my trainers, vans and boots in winter months and have sturdy winter boots as well (hi, timberland boots). We hardly get snow in London but when we do, I have a pair of boots with firm soles that grip the surface which I wear especially to commute. You don’t want to be slipping and sliding all over like a drunk penguin.

5. Up your vitamins

If you are originally from warmer climates like me (i.e you have migrated from a country with zero winter to one with winter), you are most likely deficient in Vitamin D. This is the vitamin that naturally comes from the sun. I remember once I went to see my GP for a general check-up and she told me that I was deficient in Vitamin D which I thought was strange anyway because I did not think you could have a vitamin deficiency. Anyway, I take my vitamins every day all year round and realised that in winter months, I never fall ill (I hope I have not jinxed it now) but I’m generally healthy regardless of the changes in weather. See your GP for specific vitamins to take just to be sure you are taking the right ones for your BMI.

6. Eat!

This is so important. I know every ‘fitfam-er’ thinks carbs are bad for you but this is false! Winter months, I make sure I eat my bread and rice. The good thing is that the absence of natural sunlight actually does make you hungry in the winter months. This has something to do with having low serotonin levels and the body craving other ways to increase its serotonin. I also notice that I feel warmer when I have had a good meal. Anyone feel the same?

7. Warm drinks

I love a cuppa but during the really cold winter months, I’m a hot chocolate girl with almond milk and cream and marshmallows please – ooooh the contradiction but let’s allow it! A few things I always do – When I’m on the go and walking around in the cold, I tend to have a hot drink with me as it does warm you up albeit temporarily. After every restaurant meal, I also tend to have a cup of tea just before I step into the cold.

8. Drink water

This one is for your skin. I remember when Gabrielle Union was asked the secret to having amazing skin and she said she drinks a lot of water. A lot of people doubted her but I can tell you for a fact that water does make your skin look so much better. I hardly drink any fizzy drinks and in winter months, I try to reduce my sugar intake and up my water game to avoid that dull look your skin gets when you’ve been away from the sun for months. I’m aware that this is nothing a bronzer and highlighter cannot fix but I do have my makeup free days and I like to think that beneath all that makeup, my skin can thrive regardless of the weather!

9. Stay active!

I know you want to stay home and snuggle under your duvet and Netflix and chill all weekend but you have to keep active especially during winter months. Thanks to various YouTube exercise programs, you can work out in the comfort of your home. Stretches are very essential at this point to avoid rigid joints. Also remember that you have to work the carbs out so it does not just sit in your belly. Working out can increase your metabolism and the plus is that by the time summer comes around, you are already in summer body mode. Don’t we all love that?

What are your tips for staying warm and looking fresh in the colder months? Please drop your gems so I can steal them for myself as well haha

Bisous, ‘Bugo x


  • Nneka

    Oh and as for gems:
    100% merino wool
    It might be costly, but if you wash it right it will last for ages. Use merino wool closest to your body. It will keep you warm, it breathes and it doesn’t itch. They should come in everything from socks, to long johns, t-shirts, cardigans and scarfs.

    I love my Canada Goose parka jacket.

    I like a light moisturiser for summer, but for winter I use Palmer’s cocoa butter.

    • Bugo

      babe i’ve never heard of or seen Merino wool; i’m sure that’s for places like Norway or Antarctica hahahahaa anyway, I will google to look more into it. Canada Goose is quite popular here as well but I’ve never owned one actually!

      Ah yes to Palmer’s cocoa butter, the best for black girls as well.

      Thank you so much for your comment, very helpful x

  • Nneka

    We already have a lot of snow here in Norway. Just came back from Paris, which there was no snow, but similar to London I think those cities are cold, grey and windy. It doesn’t compare to Norway though lol.

    • Bugo

      oh gosh Norway is a different ball game. You already have snow?! jeeeeeez! Yes, Paris is usually very similar to London weather x

    • Bugo

      haha babe! Thank you very much!

      The faux fur is from Zara, roll next jumper dress is Asos (both bought last year). Bag is quite obvs lol – Gucci, shoes are from Alexander McQueen. I tend not to put up the brands bcs tbh most of my clothes are not new season so it wont be very helpful to anyone trying to purchase looool sorry! x